Mr Timms
A VFX Composite of a fish within an Aquarium. Camera Tracked in NukeX, animated within Maya. The model was obtained from sketchfab and rigged by myself. After filming the footage by visiting the Island Bay Marine Reserve, I camera tracked the footage in NukeX, exporting it to an FBX. file to be used in MAYA I downloaded a MrTimms Model from Sketchfab by the user “Xolotl_Mx” and rigged it within MAYA. I then animated the fish along a motion path then animated secondary movements such as the tail, fin and the mouth.
I then rendered the final animation as an EXR. sequence then imported it into Adobe After Effects, where I rotoscoped the objects the fish was meant to be behind. I then colour graded both elements and added bubble particles to the mouth of the fish and to trail behind it when it flapped its tail. From there it was done, after some audio mixing in Adobe Premiere Pro, the shot was finished.